TEAM ROBOT water bottle
Purist 22 oz bottle, Fixy lid. Specialized says you can put tomato sauce in it, extensive testing at TEAM ROBOT HQ indicates it can contain and distribute many other organic and inorganic fluids.
Click here for close up of bottle. Sorry about the link. We could upgrade this page to host more photos, but we're not really at a revenue level to support a paid plan.
Here's another detail photo of the bottle. No, but seriously, we'll probably end up paying for a better plan soon. We have to sell a lot more bottles first. That first run of white t-shirts really killed us. Sure, they were cheaper than black, but who wants a white t-shirt? That's why the whole retail landscape is moving toward premium products and services, because consumers know what they want. At least if you want to compete with Amazon.
That's part of the reason we went for the Purist instead of the cheaper Specialized bottles, and why this bottle costs so much. Because you assholes are picky. If no one buys any, we'll probably take it down to $10. $10 is the original price we'd talked about, but then with it taking so long to relaunch the site we ended up giving a ton of them away, which obviously costs money to do. But seriously, the look on Gwin's face after winning National Champs when I handed him the bottle that said "KILL YOURSELF?" Priceless. So I guess that's what you're paying for. You're paying $10 for the bottle, and $2 for the look on Gwin's face.
Well, you'll probably pay $2 for shipping, too.